Positive or Negative—Where’s Your Charge Going?

This quote:  {When things aren’t +Adding up in your life, start -Subtracting.  ― Anon } is so simple and so full of common sense, but also so easy to lose sight of.   Sometimes I have a hard time protecting and preserving my energy for myself.   As this quote reminds us, if you are struggling with a situation, take time out of your day to slow down and process where your energy is being directed.

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If you see that you’re involved with a relationship that moves in just one direction, where the other person seems parasitic, the math isn’t making sense—move forward.  It’s not a personal decision.  We have to preserve our strength, and be more efficient in order to take care of the challenges that life brings our way.

“You are a product of your environment.  So choose the environment that will best develop you toward your objective. Analyze your life in terms of its environment.  Are the things around you helping you towards success?  Or are they holding you back?” – W. Clement Stone

We all have our limit.  The trick is to stop yourself from extending it too long.  This is something I battle with at times in my relationships.  If you can hone in on this, the next time you encounter this sort of situation you will be ready to lay down some boundaries and head off any problems before they start.

Believe me, the sooner you completely let go of all the excess energy stress traps in your body, the better life will be. There’s no greater loss than losing your day to day happiness. ~ Charlie Badenhop

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So, is it time for you to step back, take stock of your life, relationships and workload, and reassess?  Are things (or friends/colleagues) lifting you up, or weighing you down? What about you? Are you taking too much from others or situations without giving back?  Life works so well when we can find environments and relationships that complement each other.  Balance in life, work and friendships is definitely something to strive for.









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2 Replies to “Positive or Negative—Where’s Your Charge Going?

  1. Hi Ann,
    Choosing your environment is so important.
    Sometimes people feel as though fate determines their position in life and that they do not have a choice.
    The opposite is true however.
    We are all in charge of our own destiny and decide our next direction.
    It is important that we make ourselves happy by learning and improving. This will help the people around us to be happy too.
    It will also make us more productive.

    Thank you for sharing

    1. Hi Gary,

      Very true and thank you for sharing your thoughts. I came across this quote last night, something I was struggling in previous years. ツ

      You teach others how to behave toward you. While you cannot change other people, you can influence them through your own behaviors and actions. By being a living role model of what you want to receive from others, you create more of what you want in your life. ― Eric Allenbaugh


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