Instagram – Are you an #IGAddict?
What does your Instagram page say about you? I’ve been on Instagram for only a short period of time, and I’ve found that I absolutely enjoy this platform. I love sharing my photo walks through nature with my friends. I may not be a professional photographer, but I have a good idea what imagery people like to see on this platform. I wanted to share a few tips that you may find useful, because engaging with your IGers is crucial.
Let’s say you are going to post a simple picture, like a shot of some flowers, try asking a question: What is your favorite flower?
When you over-share photos of the same bouquet of flowers within the same hour with no creative caption or pose a question, you quickly lose my interest. It’s easy to forget that each of your social media pages represents you, your home or your business, so try to entice viewers and make them want to stay and browse through your photos.
Another suggestion is to show a sense of humor when posting images of yourself to create more engagement.
I love using Instagram to get to know people a bit more. I appreciate other people’s photos and it is fun to take a peek into their lives and other parts of the world. But, that said, people who post nothing but “selfies” are a turn-off for me—you do know that the camera can take pictures the other way too, right? But seriously, check out my article on social media sharing, and learn how to avoid crossing the line to “over-sharing”.
Instead of just posting a picture, try adding a quote or a reflective thought. Adding this layer of depth makes the photo more interesting. Personally, I love taking pictures of architecture, sunsets and nature.
For instance, if you take a picture of a building, it’s nice to show the ripples and the reflections of the lake in your photo. Or when you take pictures of flowers, see if you can capture nature in action. I Love flowers and used to take photos of just the flowers, but now I challenge myself to be patient and capture more than just still life.
Make sure to go back to your entire photo catalog and respond to as many comments as possible. People do comment on your older photos so make sure to scan through and reply. Do use Instagram travel tags—not sure how? Here’s a great post from Alex Lop that I find useful.
Have FUN and remember: it’s quality not quantity. Why not try to tell a story with a single Instagram post? Everybody has a story to tell!
Hi Ann!
I agree with you on this one. I know we have had our fair share of pictures on Instagram and it’s so nice being able to just view a photo and see so much beauty and joy in it.
For me, I like posting pictures that are uplifting and nice to think about. Food is also fun can be too monotonous as well.
Overall, I think that Instragram has taken social media to another level in terms of quick & instant sharing, I suppose that’s why the name fits perfectly.
Hope you have a great weekend!
Hi Kim,
It’s great to see you here! I do like the quick and instant sharing of photos. Yes, the name is definitely very creative.
Thank you for stopping by.