Top 10 quotes/selections by the Twitterati Part 3

Here is the third of my Twitterati Series of top 10 quotes collected from our Twitter family. I really love quotes that come into the Twitter stream (both originals or something that someone has paraphrased and put a special spin on). Some tweets show originality, others show a sense of humor and the tweeter’s personality.

It’s been a pleasure getting to know some great new friends even better while compiling such insightful quotes. I’m looking forward to featuring additional friends in the future.

I hope you enjoy these new top 10 quotes:

Let go of what you can’t control and hold on to the positive force of truth, kindness, gratitude and a lot of laughter.
— by @2cre8
Some people succeed because they are destined to, but most people succeed because they are determined to!
— by @awakeningaimee
Like the wind in the sky, Twitter takes ideas to places out of your control, and returns ideas within your grasp.
— by @sheconsulting
Raise your vibration and surround yourself with people who love and appreciate life!
— by @docmarion
Hope and faith are renewable resources.
— by @melissaonline
We all leave a footprint behind. Some just with a deeper impression.
— by @michelemeiche
Retweets are like a stone thrown into a pond causing ripples the flow outward but return bringing new ones back.
— by @mikelking
I’d rather try and fail, than sit on the sidelines unwilling to take a risk.
— by @scottwilliams
Want more good in your life? Focus on what you want rather than what you don’t have or don’t want.
— by @SharonHayes
140 characters are powerful enough to touch the hearts of people.
— by @Smilelotus
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7 Replies to “Top 10 quotes/selections by the Twitterati Part 3

  1. This is a very inspirational post. I truly like each of these quotes, especially since I love quotes. Thank you very much for the words of wisdom from all these awesome people.

  2. Hi Ann – You always manage to make people feel like a special part of the Twitter community…thank you! I’m so honored to be mentioned in your wonderful “Top 10 Quotes” series! ♥ ~Kathy (@2cre8)

  3. Hi Ann,

    I am deeply honored to be mentioned in your blog post. I feel fortunate to know you & to be mentioned along with so many great Tweeters. Love this.


    Aimee (@awakeningaimee)

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