While browsing through my Instagram account, I saw this post from Richard Branson: “Next time you’re traveling, instead of staring at your phone, why not strike up a conversation?”
Recently I was talking to Joyce Cherrier about our Maui trip #KFresh13, and during the conversation I apologized to Joyce, explaining that I needed to get off the phone to go take my photo of the day.ツ I felt that disconnecting from conversation because of social media was a recurring habit of mine that I’m not liking. Luckily, I think Joyce understood it and didn’t take offense—but what about our non-social media friends and family?
I’ve written about how to unplug from social media to enjoy life, and striking a balance between social life and social networks. It appears I may need to step away from the phone and engage in society even more. When I am at dinner, I may still check in on FourSquare but I have stopped taking food photos unless I am working at an event.
We only have a certain amount of time in our day, and in our lives. To maintain a proper life/work/social media balance, we need to look at how we spend that time. And sometimes that means that saying no is the best way to achieve that balance. When your work life and social life appear to over-integrate, it’s a good sign that you should slow down and reassess the balance.
The purpose of my trip to Maui is promoting tourism on the island and I will of course do my part—it’s a rough job, but somebody’s got to do it! ツ I know that it will be a visual feast for me, and will give me ample opportunities to indulge in my favorite hobby, photography. I will take photos and be in the moment, and yet try to share them perhaps occasionally and save some for future postings. My intention is to be immersed in the experience and also share the island’s culture and the beauty of it all.
The bottom line is balance. I hope to have many face-to-face conversations with my Maui host family, and the friends I’ve met over the phone. I will definitely strive to take pleasure in the local flavors and enjoy the new landscape.
Are you savoring your vacation (and your life!)—or is your life all about a post or a tweet? ツ